Issue 1 (2011)
Genuine Literary Criticism and Aristophanes’ Frogs
Charles Bettendorf, Reed College
Domesticity, Intimacy, and Pictorial Space in the Fourteenth- and Fifteenth-Century Italian Renaissance
Jessica A. Cerrato, Portland State University
The Ecclesiazusae and the Republic
Hunter Ellis, Lewis and Clark College
The Representation of Christ in Byzantine Hermitages: A Comparison
Jenna Gonzales
To Protect, Serve, and Sell Out: The Mongol Imperial Guard and the Roman Praetorian Guard
William Hoyle, University of Wyoming
Aging Women and Aging Men: Lydia in Horace’s 1.25
Sarah Kunjummen, University of Michigan
Roman (Un)exceptionalism: Dispelling Popular Notions of Roman Bellicosity
Jordan Long, Portland State University
Devotion and Disillusionment: The Catullus Persona in Carmen 63
Daniel A. Miller, Williamette University
The Aporia of Divine Economy vs. the Socratic Ideal of Service: A Close Reading of the Fifth Elenchus in Plato’s Euthyphro
Seth P. Robinson, Wheaton College, Massachusetts
The Italian Doctor During the Black Death
Quinn Wilson, Western Washington University